Origin Water manufactures a range of UF/ RO/CEDI water purification unit represents a Quantum Leap over other water purification technologies to produce high purity water
This membrane style of plant reduces the need for mixing large amounts of chemicals and provides a safer workplace and easier OH&S requirements
RO-CEDI Performance
An UF/RO-CEDI unit is a high performance membrane/resin system that is simpler to operate than any existing water purification technology.
The system employs state-of-the-art high rejection TFC Reverse Osmosis membranes that send the RO product water directly to the continuos electrodeionization (CEDI). The output of the CEDI system is ultra pure water between 14-18 megohm (0.07 – 0.05 us/cm) conductivity
With an UF/RO/CEDI unit, there are no regeneration chemicals, labor or down time. The system is both safer and more environmentally friendly than any competing technology. Note: An RO>EDI system must be fed soft, chlorine free water, which can be provided by an inexpensive Origin Water pretreatment skid.
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